You love your pet, and how could you not? They bring you joy, unconditional loyalty, (except those independent cats) and something to smile about after a long day at work. If you’re thinking to yourself, “I wish I had that companion but I’m still looking,” then check out to browse pure bred and coming soon, adoptable pets and find your perfect match!
7 Powerhouse Restaurants Near Your New Home
Here at ICON we are passionate about showing our clients the wonders of Scottsdale and Phoenix area. While some nights you may want to stay home and enjoy your beautifully renovated backyard oasis, try a few new tech gadgets, or throw an elegant yet raucous get together, other celebrations (or rough days at work) call for a unique restaurant experience.
Why Living in Arizona Urges Luxury
Luxury has been something that many write off as unattainable or financially impossible. While it may be more difficult in expensive cities like NYC, San Francisco, or Hawaii, the cost of living and cultural growth of Arizona not only allows for comfort, it is encouraged. Aside from the awe-inspiring wonder of the Grand Canyon, there are a myriad of hidden gems scattered throughout the state.
Throw a Dinner Party like Royalty
Your home (especially a vacation house) is more often than not going to be a place of excitement and luxury. For those times you are not using the appliances for weekday sustenance, let us suggest a few ways to set up your home that will give life to your gatherings and special occasions. These ideas will also do wonders to spice up a stay-at-home date night, so take note homebodies!
Why Floor Plans Are Crucial To Finding Your Perfect Home
House Technology That Is Changing The Way We Interact With Our Homes
Technology has made lives easier, people more connected, and economic progress skyrocket. Now it can change the way you interact with your home. For all the technological advancements that we embrace in our work lives and interpersonal communication, we are still living in the dark ages of smart home devices. There are a slew of voice command and smart home products that promise thousands of home improvements. However, you can focus on just three categories will make the most impact on your quality of life.
4 Ways to Turn Your Backyard into an Oasis
It’s hot in the summer months. Let’s not lie about it. Pools and spas speckle every backyard throughout the Scottsdale area. Now, creating your own luxury oasis? That takes some skill, taste, and inspiration. While the tips we will show you will be most poignant in the summer months, they will also enhance those beautiful 75 degree nights with friends and family.